Sunday 8 March 2009

The Night Before

She couldn't sleep, try as she might and despite the warm, reassuring presence of her wife snuggled up with her. It was the night before, of course. Not only the night before a race, but it would be the first race of a new season. It was typically a night when she got little if any sleep.

This time, however, adding to her worries about the upcoming season she was worried about Nakatre and her new venture, Stillwater. Despite her promise years ago, Nakatre was going back to a life of crime. No deaths, she had assured Kayleigh when they'd spoken about it. No more murdering. Yet.. she'd once thought Nakatre would never again engage in crime of any sort. How could she possibly know things wouldn't spiral out of control? She just couldn't.

In the velvety darkness of the bedroom the jin-mei sighed. She didn't even notice her fingers played idly and tenderly with the civire's silvery hair.

What could she, Kayleigh, do? Absolutely nothing. It seemed Nakatre couldn't leave her Angel Cartel past completely behind her. The only thing left was to be there for her love, through thick and thin. But she worried. Crime had a way of getting out of control and ruining people's lives. She desperately hoped it would never take Nakatre away from her.

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